Describe the issue or problem
We have experienced unexpected issues in trying to register DOIs with the new built-in plugin solution with OJS 3.4. The situation is that only one article was automatically registered on publication. We then unpublished all the remaining articles and republished them without any other changes. Only some of them were registered with Crossref, and we have not been able to ascertain what it was about the remaining articles that barred the DOI plugin from registering them automatically, forcing us to do a manual registration of the remaining articles.
While the solution isn’t entriely dysfunctional, we are now led to believe that there may be a bug in the OJS 3.4 DOI plugin causing the registration to perform erratically. We’d like to receive some further information from PKP on how to investigate the issue further in order to find out what it was that led to some articles being registered and others not, so as to avoid this issue with future publications.