I use OJS 3.10-1
I wish you could help me with this problem. I’m working with a journal that have DOI. In this Journal They are assigned externally. I do not need generate DOI.
I would like to be able to place the DOI links in each article as part of the metadata. Is there any way in which you can enter these links?
Thank you!
I have enabled the DOI module and in “Setting” I have placed the journal suffix. Then in “DOI Suffix” I have selected “Enter an individual DOI suffix for each published item. You will find an additional DOI input field on each item’s meta-data page”. This has allowed me to show the DOI in the metadata of the article (see image the red circles).

Is this procedure correct when you do not need to create or send DOI to Crossref?
Can you help me with this? … I’m not sure if it’s okay …
I need to include the DOIs for each article in the metadata.
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Hello @David_Alarcon_davidy, I can confirm that the method you’re using to enter DOI metadata in the publication is the right way.
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Thank you very much for your reply! Now I can perform the task!
Have a nice day!