I have noticed there will be DOIs implemented für OMP 3.1.1. Do you already know how the DOIs have to be build? We will need DOIs for chapers pretty soon, so we want to try to build our own, which should be consistent with the automatic generated DOIs you are aiming for.
I have seen there already is an example: http://langsci-press.org/catalog/book/121
As far as I can see, these DOIs are generated with the pub_id and the publication_format_id. But I’m not sure if this is good way, because you cannot see if this DOI belongs to a chapter or the whole book. And I also don’t know where to get the publication_format_id, if you are not simply increment it (which could be a problem, if you have to write it into the database like we have to do … correct me, if I’m wrong).
So, my question is: Is there a way to generate a DOI, which we can put into the database without creating problems with future Versions of OMP?
By the way, we use OMP 1.2 at the moment.
Currently, the DOIs can be assigned to a book (as whole), to the publication formats and to the files. We are planing to provide DOI assignment to the chapters, but this is still not in work. You could track this issue for that: Public identifiers for chapters · Issue #1692 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub. This issue also depends a little bit on how the agencies (e.g. Crossref, DataCite) support such a DOI registration (for chapters) and how that fit with the current OMP logic, which we haven’t taken a look yet…
Per default a DOI for a publication format is build like this: %p.%m.%f, where %p is used for press initials, %m for the monograph id, %f for the publication format id. The publication format id is the unique ID from the database (when a new publication format is created and inserted into the DB, it gets an incremental ID). How is this in your case? – I did not understand…
The DOIs do not have to, they even should not, be semantically – it can be any char set/string without any meaning – but they have to be unique.
I will have to think about how the DOIs for chapters could be created automatically, so that they are unique… then I can tell that to you… but we are tight with the work for OJS 3.1 so I am not sure when I will come to that… I’ll let you know as soon as possible…
thanks for your answer I am aware there is not much you can say at this moment, but I had hoped maybe there would already be some preliminary thoughts.
Our DOIs are built with the default setting, like you explained.
I would strongly like to second the urgent need for DOIs for chapters.
We definitely need DOIs for chapters including landing pages for chapters in order to stay within the DOI regulations of DataCite or CrossRef. It does not really make sense to assign DOIs to the files only (with URLs all leading to the same TOC of the book), especially as this is not really conform to DataCite’s regulations (and to CrossRef’s as to my knowledge). This is all just workarounds.
As for the discussion concerning CrossRef, have a look at springerlnk. Their DOIs are provided by CrossRef and they are working very well (DOI for the book, DOI for chapters, landing pages for book and chapters each).
In order to further promote OMP, also in the bibliographic sense, it is just state of the art to have unique identifiers for chapters for distribution, visibility, archiving etc.
Can you give us an idea how far plannings on the DOI for Chapters issue has gone. Is it a serious milestone for OMP 3.1.1 and when is it due?
Hello everyone!
I would like to know if there is anything new with the development around landing pages (and abstracts) for chapters?
Also, I have noticed that even for books with chapters that have DOIs, chapter metadata are not included as the separate metadata records that gets distributed via OAI-PMH, which would also be very beneficial for the visibility of chapters. Is there anything that I as an administrator could do to make that work?
I’m also curious to know about the status of chapter landing pages (and metadata harvesting as @ivamz13 menntioned) for OMP. We are trying to get our local platform to lift off, Increasing the visibility and accessibility of individual chapters would really be a huge benefit.
Hello! I would like to also request that OMP creates the option for chapter DOIs with chapter landing pages, much the same as article landing pages. This is particularly important for dissemination and discoverability and reflects the way researchers access content now (i.e. going straight to the parts they need rather than sifting through a book). A Crossref plugin where we can export the metadata would be crucial, too.
Is this still on the cards and, if so, when might it be implemented?
I’ve finished a chapter landing pages enhancement last week. For now a code review is running. I hope there are no bigger problems and the chapter landing pages can be part of OMP 3.4.
Ignore me - I see that chapter DOIs have already been installed. Thanks for the heads up about chapter landing pages! I assume the chapter DOIs will resolve to the general TOC page?
Are there plans for a Crossref plugin? Or a QuickSubmit button?
Great news @nongenti!!!
I search for a long time but I cannot find it. I havent seen it on the Roadmap of OMP 3.4 either. We really want DOI per chapter, therefor we need landing pages. @rebeccauoe writes: “I see that chapter DOIs have already been installed”.
I’d love to know where I can find the info/code/plugin.
Kind regards,