Does not show ORCID of the author in the publication

OJS and an ORCID module are running.

We found that the latest ORCID module is not functional with the version we have of OJS but with an old version the visualization of the authors’ ORCID does not work when it is published as can be seen in the images, what could we do so that the ORCID is visualize?

Should stay:

Thank you

Hi @alexpineda,

Which version of the ORCID plugin are you using?

PKP Team

Hi @rcgillis
application orcidProfile
date 2020-06-19

Hi @alexpineda,

Thanks. I think that version is quite dated. It may well be worth updating the plugin (from the plugin gallery) - you may find that will resolve the issue (not guaranteed, but worth trying).

PKP Team

Hi @rcgillis

It was updated to version date: 2023-02-17 but it didn’t even work.

Thank You

Hi @alexpineda,

Thanks for noting that. @ewhanson - do you know what might be going on here?

PKP Team

@alexpineda, are you still encountering the same issue? If you update the plugin again to the latest version are you still encountering it? Let me know if it’s still an issue, and I’ll look into it.


PKP Team

hi @ewhanson

Thanks for responding; We still have the same problem, in order to upload the ORCID to an author we must momentarily turn off the ORCID module, load the author’s ORCID link and start the module again before publishing.
The most recent ORCID module is definitely not working for us.

Best regards