docxConverter plugin generating the XML file in the initial submission step

Hello Guys.

I would like to know if you can help me find the solution to the problem that the docxConverter plugin (version that, when activated in the Copyediting or Production step, is generating the XML file in the initial submission step?

Production step
Captura de Tela 2022-08-15 às 19.55.43

Submission step
Captura de Tela 2022-08-15 às 19.55.23

OJS version
docxConverter plugin version

Hi @lcbrito02,

Hmm, I am unable to reproduce it locally. Can you describe the reproduction steps, which led to this?

The commit that should fix it:
Please, let me know if you applied it and if it fixes the problem for you.

Great Vitaliy!

The fix worked.

Thanks very much!

I just need one more help, how to customize the image in the header of the converted file?

If you mean in the generated PDF, that’s the JATS Parser Plugin part. The logic is here: It uses journal thumbnail if it’s set or default image by this path: if the former is absent.

Hi Vitaliy!
I expressed myself wrong. I would like to know how to modify the aspect ratio of the header image format that is square.


For the width, I think the second argument in this method is responsible:

The height, as far as I recall, is linked to the header height:

So, I still can’t find where I alter the dimensions, so I can be more specific.
I placed a rectangular image, but with the same height of the head, however, it is deformed to represent a square format.

By default, the header is hard-coded by the TCPDF library. You can check what arguments it accepts: or build a custom one by overriding the header method, like in the documentation:

I still haven’t been able to configure the image size, I still haven’t been able to figure out where to change width x height