I was looking through the DOAJ export plugin and the scheduled task option there. It seems that everything is ok, but the scheduled tasks are not running. The task is not visible in the scheduled_tasks table in the database.
Hmmm… It seems that DOAJ plugin does not register for AcronPlugin::parseCronTab and thus cannot be used with Acron plugin – This is my fault – will correct it! The GitHub Issue is coming
Also, the Acron plugin in OJS 3 is missing the Reload Scheduled Tasks fuiction (as in OJS 2.4), so that the list of the scheduled tasks that this plugin considers can be old (from the installation) – will add it, so that the new plugins can be added/considered as well! The GitHub Issue is coming
Do you use Acron or a Cron job?
If you are using the Cron job, you would need to add plugins/importexport/doaj/scheduledTasks.xml there.
Different to that, the Acron plugin considers the scheduled tasks from the DB table plugin_settings, where plugin_name = acronplugin and setting_name = crontab, and only updates the last run time in the DB table scheduled_tasks.