the DOAJ plugin, if an article is multi-language, exports metadata for all languages.
I tried to export and compare the exported XML from two different article from the same journal; the order of metadata in different languages is different:
Article 1
Title ita/Title ENG
abstract ITA/ abstract ENG
Article 2
Title ITA /Title ENG (like the other one)
abstract ENG / Abstract ITA (inverted order)
in the DOAJ interface only the firts metadata is presented, so I find
Article 1: Title ITA, Abstract ITA
Article 2: Title ITA, Abstract ENG
It seems that DOAJ, although is accepting more than one element per type, always shows only one metadata.
Is there a way to force an order for the exported metadata?
Moreover, I would like to know whed do you plan to release the DOAJ CRUD API integration. On OJS 2.4.9, too?