We upgraded to version 2.4.6 and older articles are not displaying CC-image () and text. Need help.
We upgraded to version 2.4.6 and older articles are not displaying CC-image () and text. Need help.
Depending on what version you upgraded from, you may need to go to Journal Setup, Step 3.2, review the Permissions settings and then click “Reset Article Permissions”.
The way copyright and licensing information was stored changed substantially between 2.4.3 and 2.4.4 and 2.4.5. Instead of being attached to the Journal, copyright and licensing became attached to the articles themselves.
Thanks very much. Our older articles have cc3.0 version. If I do apply “Reset Article Permission”, all the articles in the journal will automatically change to cc4.0. We want to maintain cc3.0 to older articles and cc4.0 copyright and licensing information to newer articles in the same journal.
Individual article licensing and copyright can be edited under the article’s “Summary” then “Edit Metadata”.
To avoid manually editing each article, you can reset the majority, then manually set the permission on the minority. If you only have a few new articles, reset all permissions to cc3, then edit the metadata of the few new articles one-by-one. If you only have a few older articles and mostly cc4 licensing, reset to cc4 and edit the old articles one-by-one.
Alternately, you could edit the permissions directly via SQL in the database, if comfortable with that.