Displaying All Search Results Without Pagination in OJS 3

Hello everyone,

I am currently working with Open Journal Systems (OJS) and have encountered a challenge. I need to display all the search results for authors on a single page, instead of using the default pagination system. I would like to eliminate pagination entirely and show all the data at once. Could anyone guide me on how to modify the backend or the template settings to achieve this? Any advice on managing performance issues that might arise from loading all entries at once would also be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your assistance!

For example:

I Use OJS Ver.

Hello @kbh,

Please note, that version of OJS that you’re using is no longer supported by PKP. I recommend that you upgrade to the newest version of OJS. However, other community members may wish to offer assistance, about how this customization might be achieved.

Upgrading instructions are available in the PKP Administrator’s Guide and as part of our [Upgrade Guide] (https://docs.pkp.sfu.ca/dev/upgrade-guide/).

Information about the latest version of OJS can be found on the PKP Website

PKP Team

Hi @kbh,

I’d also caution against depending on that feature – the author list has since been removed (#7183) as it was neither performing well or serving a useful (disambiguated) list of author holdings. See that issue for a discussion.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

thank you, but is it possible for me to know which file in ojs that control of number of maximum list to be split into pagination?

Hi @kbh,

You should be able to edit pages/search/SearchHandler.inc.php and change (around line 272)…

$authors = $authorDao->getAuthorsAlphabetizedByJournal(


$authors = $authorDao->getAuthorsAlphabetizedByJournal(

But I’m going by memory on old code here, and it is likely to perform poorly.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

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thank you, it works…
Problem Solved