Display recent 2 issues in home page in OJS 3

How to display 2 issues (current issue and one back issue in all journals home page). I have 1 publisher with 2 journals… How to do by using iterator or anything.

Can you see our site: https://jlmc.edu.np

We have used oldGregg theme by @Vitaliy.

Thank you. But i need solution regarding…

if you are interested in using the theme, here is the link:

You can see detail discussion on various topics under Issues tab.

Actually i am using different theme. Is theme change the issues features in homepage? I am using different theme on 4 journals. And that i can’t change. Is there any alternative options?

Do you know something about front-end development?
OJS uses Smarty templates (which are something between PHP and HTML). You need to make some changes in the structure as well as add CSS. The file responsible for the journal index page is here: https://github.com/pkp/ojs/blob/master/templates/frontend/pages/indexJournal.tpl

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Yes, That i know. But it’s coded in internal not html or css. I need the solution in index.journal page.
I need similar for previous 1 archive issue under current issue.
this code:
{* Latest issue *}
{if $issue}

{translate key=“journal.currentIssue”}


{include file=“frontend/objects/issue_toc.tpl”}
<a href="{url router=$smarty.const.ROUTE_PAGE page=“issue” op=“archive”}" class=“read_more”>
{translate key=“journal.viewAllIssues”}


My Smarty code for the slider is here:
But it won’t work without Bootstrap 4: Carousel · Bootstrap
So, if you want to utilize my code, you should upload Bootstrap framework to your theme.

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Keep in mind that I’m also assigning an array, which contains the needed number of the latest issues to the Smarty templates:

I understood, But those is for slider… I want any code after current issue. I have putted there… but it’s showing same current issue or nothing. What to do. Is there any solution?

What other code do you want to use after the current issue?