I wanted to make sure about Discussions functionality in OJS 3 – when I add the discussion, are its participant actually the ones who would be able to see the discussion messages, with Journal editor role being able to see messages without the need to be added to the discussion? Is the Journal editor the only role which does not need to be added as a participant to be able to access the discussion?
Hi @piotreba,
The Editor/Manager/Section Editor roles can see all active discussions. Other roles can only see them if they’ve been assigned. (Note that all roles can create new discussions.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Ok, thanks.
I noticed that when I open new discussion window and click to close (cancel) it without saving, the new empty discussion entry is actually being created, which might make some mess.
Additionally, what is “Closed” option for? Just for marking purpose?
Hi @piotreba,
Opening the “Create” dialog does create a placeholder, but it’s supposed to be removed when you close the window without saving. Is that not happening?
The “Closed” flag is just for marking. If someone adds a new comment to a closed discussion, it’ll be re-opened. This is intended to give the Editor a quick impression of what is still needing attention without requiring them to open each discussion.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Here is how it goes:
- E.g., on the Submission tab I click on Add discussion
- I cancel the message (Cancel or “X” btn)
- It isn’t showing then on the Discussions list indeed, but:
- I switch to, e.g., Review tab and go back to the Submission tab and I see this cancelled, empty entry.
Dear @asmecher, would you please provide me the exact link where I can find/see all the active discussions? We work with 3.0.2.
We have had a problem with an error from a still active discussion in a published article; the native xml plugin doesn’t work and one of the problems report links to this point.
I would like to review periodically the active discussions if the articles are already in copyediting or production phase; therefore, I could close all those discussions and stop the blocking of the native xml plugin.
thank you in advance.
Hi @Isabel-M,
I’m not aware of any interaction between the discussions and the XML import/export tools – I suspect that’s a coincidence.
There’s not currently a place to look at all open discussions unless you go directly to the database.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you, Alec.
Hi @asmecher,
What @piotreba reports is in fact happening… Empty discussions are created when it shouldn’t.
Best regards
Hi @digitojs,
That could be issue 2460, or perhaps something else, depending on where you’re seeing it. More information (including your version of OJS) would be helpful.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
I’m using 3.0.2.
I’ve tested with the changes in that commit but it still happens. When canceling the new discussion, it creates an empty one in submission tab or revision tab, and when I want to delete them I have to double click “OK” and it throws an error, but in the end it is removed.
Thank you,
Best regards
Hi @digitojs,
Can you provide a few more details? Where is this discussion (e.g. what workflow stage), what roles does your user have, and what is the error you see when the deletion is attempted?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hello @asmecher,
It happens in submission and revision workflow stage, as @piotreba described:
I’ve tried admin with all roles or with other user with editor or author or reviewer role, and it still creates the empty discussion according to the above quoted. Oddly, now it throws no errors when I try to delete the discussion, and ir performs well for any type of user.
Thank you,
Best regards
Hi @digitojs,
Could you PM me with a URL and temporary credentials to replicate this myself? I’m having trouble doing so locally.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @digitojs,
Ah, after looking at your installation I was able to replicate this behavior locally. See Placeholder discussions not removed when new discussion creation is cancelled · Issue #2642 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub for an issue – there are a couple of patches to apply to resolve this in OJS 3.0.2. Please let me know if that fixes it.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
The two patches solved the problem!
Thank you for your time and availability to test it.
Best regards
Dear @asmecher can you guide me please how to patch a windows based ojs installation?
I shall be grateful.
Hi @Farhan_Abbas,
You’ll have to download the GNU Patch tool for Windows from e.g. http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/patch.htm. Windows and *NIX use different character code patterns for line endings, so you may have to load and save the patch file with Notepad before using the Patch tool to avoid an error.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Dear Sir,
We have aproblem that the section editor could not see the discussion posted by the author. We use OJS version. Can I know how to fix it? Thank you.