Hello folks, We have found that all of our subscribed users are receiving notifications EVERY time we edit an annoncement. It’s great that this automated function is working (I’ve noticed that most questions around announcements are about it not working) but that also means that if we make a couple edits, then our users are getting unnecessarily pinged multiple times. So:
I want to disable this automatic function that sends emails about notifications with every save, or have an announcement preview function, is this possible?? (Pinging you hopefully, @asmecher).
In the current OJS 2.4.x stable release, there’s a checkbox on the bottom of the announcement edit form labeled “Send Notification”. If you submit the modification to the announcement without checking this box, an announcement won’t be sent. It’s possible that this feature isn’t available on an older release like OJS 2.4.4-1.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Are you planning to use the user import/export plugin? The import plugin currently won’t send notification emails to users – but beware that the XML formats have changed between OJS 2.x and 3.x, so you’ll need to do some reformatting of the XML before importing.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I’m not sure to use the import/export plugin but what you are saying just confirm one of my thoughts about trying this, thanks.
My questions was more about the feature of disabling automatic email sending when editing or publishing an announcement in version 3.0.1. It seem to exist in 2.4.x stable release but, does it exist in 3.0.1. ??