Disable 'Review Type' selection or 'None Free Form Review' option

Describe the issue or problem
I’have only 1 active review form but on the “Add Reviewer” dialog the section editor has still the option to select from two review form.
I don’t want to give the option to select the “None / Free Form Review”.
I can set my own form as default but that is not enough. I want to achieve that the section editor can’t able select a different form than what I set as default or just remove this selection from the dialog at all - as I generates confusion and question from the section editors.

Steps I took leading up to the issue
When there is a new submission in Review status and the section click on “Add Reviewer” button, on the “Add Reviewer” dialog, after selection a reviewer, there is an option to select “Review Form”. I don’t need that option.

What application are you using?

Additional information

I was referring to “Review Form” selection so the subject is wrong sorry - but an additional question would be how to remove or disable the “Review Type” selecton on “Add Reviewer” dialog as I don’t want to allow the Section editors to use other than the default


Hi @Zsombor,

For your section settings under Journal Settings - Section, do you just have the one review form selected for the particular section? For example:

PKP team

Hi Roger,
thank you for your answer.

Yes, for each section I set the same review form:

I think here you can select only one but the list contains the “None / Free Form Review” option as well (unselected).

In the workflow settings I have just 1 active form (the latest one):

Unfortunately I can’t disable / hide the ‘None / Free Form Review’ from the Review Form - and I would like to avoid that the section editors chooses the wrong one.

I am having the same issue with the “None/Free Form Review” item. Despite what @rgillis has said in this query as well as a similar query in 2021, there is no way to deselect this choice in the “Workflow Settings”/“Review”/“Review forms” which only displays and allows selection of the editable forms, as @Zsombor as illustrated.

Since this choice is at the top of the pulldown menu, it can and has been selected instead of our mandatory questionnaire. I can’t seem to find where this is set in the code itself so am helpless to remove it myself. Can anyone give me any guidance on this, please?

Hi @trobb49,

Yes - you’re right, so far as I can tell, there’s not an easy way to exclude the “None/Free Form Review” item. I also just tested this in version 3.4 and it doesn’t appear to have gone away. I don’t think this is editable and would require a modification of the core code to not include it - however, messing with the core code could have unintended consequences, but I could see if our developers could recommend how to go about it, if it’s something you’re comfortable doing?

PKP Team

Hi @rcgillis!

Thank you for your instant response! Actually, I’m comfortable with modifying the code, if the developers can tell me what to modify. I searched the code and couldn’t find anywhere that it was mentioned. I even looked at the “en” locale file, thinking that I could simply rename the option to something like “Do not use” but that language bit wasn’t there. Quite a mystery!

@asmecher - would you be able to advise on how to go about this?

PKP Team

Hi all,

If you’d like to disable the “free-form” review form, so it can’t be selected by the editor when assigning a review, edit lib/pkp/templates/controllers/grid/users/reviewer/form/reviewerFormFooter.tpl and find the line:

{fbvElement type="select" name="reviewFormId" id="reviewFormId" defaultLabel="manager.reviewForms.noneChosen"|translate defaultValue="0" translate=false from=$reviewForms selected=$reviewFormId}

Remove the defaultValue and defaultLabel attributes to change it to:

{fbvElement type="select" name="reviewFormId" id="reviewFormId" translate=false from=$reviewForms selected=$reviewFormId}

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team


Thank you for your answer!

We don’t want to make our own changes to the code for updateability.
Is there a chance that a similar amendment will be included in the OJS?


Hi @Zsombor,

The modification would render the built-in review form (which is used by most journals) unavailable, so no, we wouldn’t make the change to the software officially.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thank you @alec and @rcgillis that was easy to fix!

Happy Holidays!

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