disable mail with Subject: Outstanding editorial tasks for Annals of Geophysics

hello and thank you for your time.
I need to disable the sending of this report email that sends to authors reviewers etc a report of old submissions.
I searched among the email templates without success.

can you let me know where it is?

ojs pkp

the subject of the email is:

Subject: Outstanding editorial tasks for Annals of Geophysics

mail text:
Dear xxxxx,

You are currently assigned to xx submissions in xxxxx. The following submissions are waiting for your response.

thanks to everyone

Hi @simgiallorosso,

I think that might be this template?

Object for Review: Object Assigned
This email is sent by an editor to an object review author when an editor assigns the object for review to the author.

Or some variation of it - there might be some difference for how it appears in OJS 3.2 (I tested it in OJS 3.3).

Please note as well that OJS 3.2 is out-of-date and no longer supported by PKP. It is highly recommended that you upgrade.

PKP Team

no it’s not the same

Hi @simgiallorosso,

I’m not sure which one it would be. I don’t have access to a 3.2 install to be able to look through. You may have to look within the database to find out. This post points to the location of the templates within earlier versions of OJS: Where are custom email templates stored in OJS 3.1.2? - #2 by aguen - you may be able to find it there.

PKP Team