THis is procedure how I was doing upgrade from OJS 2.4.8 to OJS 3.0 on local machine.
I have separated the /public folder and as requested by instruction.
I use the latest xampp and I created in phpmyadmin empty database OJS a user with all privileges. I imported old databse from my OJS 2.4.8 installation
into that empty database.
I copied all OJS 3.0 files to /htdocs/ojs folder
and entered in relevant data about database, password, username, localtion of files which is ojsdata as
it was created by teh installation of OJS
When I entered localhost/ojs in my browser I have got screen in which I was asked do I want to upgrade and when I cilicked on that I have
got the screen with button Upgrade Open Journal Systems.
When I clicked on the button Upgrade Open Journal Systems I have seen that after approx 2-3 minutes I have got the information
Upgrade of OJS to version has completed successfully.
I have changed value in taht the system is installed and loaded in my browswer
localhost/ojs, logged in and seen my journals there. After browsing some options I have returned back to see my journals and noticed that
they are nowe untitled although a minute ago they have had normal titles.
please advise what my happen to misrepresent data.
On the left side I have got only Tasks and Administration and there are no other menus/options.
please advise what may prevent OJS 3.0 from correct upgrade.
Can you post screenshots of the “untitled” journals which previously had normal titles?
Note that if you are accustomed to logging in to OJS with the administrator account, you will only see Tasks and Administration navigation when logged in. If you use an account which has access to other roles, such as Editorial or Author roles, or if you add those roles to the admin account, you should see additional menu options.
Two potential gotchas that might result in the situation you describe:
Did you re-attempt a failed upgrade without completely dropping the database before trying a second time? If that’s the case, then some tables that the OJS 3.0 upgrade uses during the upgrade process might already exist, and those could cause problems. It’s better to DROP DATABASE before recreating and loading from backup if you have to try an upgrade again.
Did you change your language settings, e.g. the site or journal’s primary language? That could explain the missing titles.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
This is how it looks without titles. I addedd one title. In addition the content of public folder does not appear on front page.
I think that the main issue is that upgrade is reported to be completed successfully but it is not. During the process of upgrade there are no warning messages or error messages.
I suppose that for some reason database and data are not done properly. Ther rest of symptoms are just consequence of that. I put that maximum execution time is 240 and that there is 256MB of memory allowed. What else could be required to enable proper import of data and upgrade of database?