Different languages for an article and DOI


Hi all,

How do you display different DOIs for the same article?
I mean, if I have an article in French and translated in English, I have two different DOIs.

Yet, I can only enter one DOI in my article for French and English versions.
Does anyone has the same issue and how did you resolve it?


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Hi @evrot,
Theoretically you might set different DOIs for those two galleys (but not articles).

Hi Ph_We,

Thanks for your reply.
Indeed, it worked, I was able to add a DOI for each galley, using the DOI plugin.
My only problem is that I cannot display the DOIs of my galleys on the journal’s site. Do you know if there is a configuration setting that I have forgotten?


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I think this might be harder to achieve. Generally, the main idea of DOIs is that the reader may always find it in the reference. And when clicking on it, s/he would be always redirected to the article page. Even if its URL is being changed all the time, the DOI always stays the same.

So now you have 3 DOIs for your article: 1) for the article page, 2) for the French version, 3) for the English version. When the reader clicks the first one, s/he is redirected to the article page, where s/he can find both versions of the text. So the DOI’s mission is accomplished anyway.

What is the idea of keeping the other two DOIs in your case?

Hi Ph_We,

In fact, we consider that each version of the article (French and English) are separated objects, so we have one DOI for each.
That’s whay we would like to display the DOI for the French article and the DOI for the English article.
(There is not a third DOI for the article.)

Do you know if there is a way to do that?


Hi @evrot,
I do not think it is possible. You might create a feature request.

Hi Ph_We,

Thanks for your answer.

Has anyone managed to solve this problem by inserting two DOIs for an article in two languages?

As I have already said, it can only be solved by creating a feature request.
And I do agree this might be important for some journals.