I’m currently working as a developer for the FIZ Berlin, Germany. We would like to host OJS-based services in a “production” environment. Specifically, we intend
to host an important journal by the end of the next year. For that we need a few questions to be answered:
OJS 3.0 beta 1 the current OJS3 release (OJS 3.0 beta 1). Do you think that it is sufficiently reliable for such a task or will be reliable any time soon?
Judging from the current state of OJS active development, do You think that writing any non-trivial plugins for it—with stability in mind—makes sense or should we stick with one of the latest releases of version 2?
(Development starts by the beginning of 2016.) How much trouble are we expected to face when migrating the plugin from version 2 to 3?
From what you describe I think it might make sense to work using the OJS 3.0 codebase.
OJS 3.0 will be released next year, well before the end-of-year launch you describe. Currently the master branch in our git repository is decently stable, and we’re getting a few final bits and pieces in place, primarily necessary functionality like CrossRef/DOI support, and a number of UI/UX elements.
Rather than starting with the beta release, I’d suggest working from git master and periodically refreshing from the upstream repository. If you like, consider laying out your plans for development in a little more detail (either here or privately), and I can point out any areas that I think might cause a conflict.
There have been some refinements to the plugin structure since the beta release, so that’s another good reason to work from git master. Migrating plugins from version 2 to version 3 will take quite a bit of work.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
In our Project we plan to develope an ojs-plugin for handling
tex/Latex- files. It is very important for as to know in advance
whether the starting to work with ojs 3.0 might cause a conflict.
Another question: Is it in planing for ojs 3.0 a plugin
for Jats-export (Journal Article Tag Suite) ?
Many thanks in advance,
Yours sincerely
We’re not doing anything with .tex files at the moment, but please feel free to stay in touch as you work.
For JATS XML, our current plans are to integrate an automated conversion tool (see https://pkp.sfu.ca/wiki/index.php?title=XML_Publishing and @axfelix can also answer questions) to assist with conversion of source documents (.odt, .docx, etc.) into JATS, and to integrate a JATS-backed web-based editor for correction and collaboration after the conversion is completed. There is already an eLife Lens-based viewer plugin, but of course the document must already be available in JATS XML for that to work.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
As Alec said, we’re not doing anything special with Latex; currently you can transform it to PDF the same way you can transform a Word document to PDF and publish it via OJS that way.