I want to use the APIHandler class in my generic plugin but I can’t figure out the way how to use it.
I know how to use a normal Handler class - using LoadHandler hook - and everything would be fine making it that way but I really need to have control over HTTP status codes, proper JSON response, etc and for that I need APIHandler.
Is there someone who made it? Or someone who can help me or tell me if it is even possible?
What I did already:
I registered to the Hook named LoadHandler, like that:
if ($this->getEnabled() && $page == 'pluginapisite') { $this->import('pages/PluginApiHandler'); define('HANDLER_CLASS', 'PluginApiHandler'); return true; }
In PluginApiHandler:
function getEndpointPattern: return $this->_pathPattern = '/{contextPath}/' . $this->_handlerPath;
$this->_handlerPath = 'pluginapisite'; $this->_endpoints = array ( 'GET' => array ( array ( 'pattern' => $this->getEndpointPattern(), 'handler' => array($this, 'getSmthng')
And the biggest problem for me right now is to not get 404, at: https://website.com/index.php/Journal/pluginapisite
What should I do with index function?
Is this even possible to make it this way?