We noticed that the components mark as dependent files (e.g. images) never show up in the drop-down list during the submission process, even after the main submission file has been uploaded.
If I am not wrong, authors used to be able to upload those kind of files. Once the main article was uploaded, a “Dependent Files” section would appear on the second tab (those are screen captures from internal documentation made with 3.1.2-1):
That’s intentional, though it may be clear/helpful! Dependent files are intended as pieces of another file that don’t get packaged with them, e.g. image files to complete an HTML or XML document. Therefore they must always have a “parent” file and can’t be uploaded stand-alone. That’s why they’re excluded from the drop-down.
They can be uploaded by Editing an XML or HTML file (they are currently only supported for these types).
For authors to upload image files etc., I’d suggest using another component that’s not flagged as Dependent.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you for your answer. Yes indeed I retested and managed to (finally) get the “Dependant files” dialog :
only after having uploaded an html file, as you informed me. I frankly don’t understand how I managed to have this dialog displayed in the first place when uploading a plain text file (i.e. my “monbelarticle.txt” shown in my original post… and I doubt it was an html file with the wrong extension…), as I cannot trigger this dialog with a text file now…anyways…
I do understand better now that those dependant files are only relevant to main html/xml files. May I suggest that this info be added here : Workflow Settings
Hi @asmecher,
In OJS, I think this flow is a little different?
I have had questions from authors who are confused about how to upload figures.
When I test, I do not get an option to upload dependent files (ie images / figures) following the upload of an article. It circles back to add additional files, and the only “types” that are available to select from are the dependent file types.
What is the consequence of making my “image” file type a dependent file in order to display during author upload to eliminate confusion? OR, is it a better idea to edit an independent file type (ie Data Set) to something like “Data Set / Figures”? (I have had authors just select “data set” to upload figures under.)
I’m showing below a screenshot of the file types I have set up in the system followed by a screenshot of what shows up when the author uploads.