When a potential reviewer receives an email request, is it possible to decline without creating an account or logging on. It’s a bit rude to require that someone create an account just to say no.
Is there a “decline review request” URL that would allow them to bypass logging in?
I second this question/request. We find that such a button/URL is highly needed. Our Editors loose a lot of time waiting for “decline to review” responses that never arrive.
I think this is a misunderstanding of the current requirements for a reviewer to be invited. In order for a reviewer to be asked to perform a review, they must already have an account in the system – it is not currently possible to invite a reviewer to perform a review without giving them an account in the system.
If a reviewer is receiving an invite without creating their own account first, it means the editor must be creating an account for them in the process. The reviewer won’t have to create an account to decline the review, but they will have to be able to access their account. If you’re using one-click reviewer access, then following the link will automatically log the reviewer in and the job will be done. If you’re not using one-click reviewer access, consider it; it’ll likely improve your reviewer response rate for declines.
Indeed, we’re using the one-click reviewer access, and, as you say, the editors are creating a new account each time they invite a reviewer who is not in the users database beforehand.
The problem is still that people do not take the time to get into the system to decline a review. Some people care, but most people simply do nothing. If we were able to put a link in the invitation email saying “If you’re unable to review at this time PLEASE let us know by clicking HERE”, that would be a game-changer.
I’ll take a look to the open issue for a new invite system.
Yes. Creating an account is a nuisance, and people who don’t have interest in reviewing also don’t want to go through the chore of logging into some new system. A single-click decline via email would be more courteous to potential reviewers.