I have installed and working well with ojs-, however when upgrading to ojs-3.2.0-3, I am getting the error and below, resulting in the loss of all author entries, article name and published pdf.
About facilities:
Postgres 9.5 + PHP 7.2 + Apache-2.4
Would anyone know how to solve this?
Thank you
Installer.executeAction(Array[3])% line 263, file: /usr/local/www/data/ojs-3.2.0-3/lib/pkp/classes/install/
ERROR: Upgrade failed: DB: ERROR: value too long for type character varying(64)
PKP-Database-Logger 1588790632.13: -----
(postgres7): UPDATE sessions
user_id = ?,
ip_address = ?,
user_agent = ?,
created = ?,
last_used = ?,
remember = ?,
data = ?,
domain = ?
WHERE session_id = ?
[ (0=>null) (1=>’’) (2=>’’) (3=>‘1588790632’) (4=>‘1588790632’) (5=>‘0’) (6=>’’) (7=>’’) (8=>‘611653832ee8ba333fe73101ea288f93’) ]
ERROR: value too long for type character varying(64)
UPDATE issues as i
SET url_path = (
SELECT ist.setting_value
FROM issue_settings as ist
WHERE ist.issue_id = i.issue_id
AND ist.setting_name = ‘pub-id::publisher-id’
I had already guided myself from this post but, I don’t understand what results are expected from this command.
Here I am getting zero lines in submit_settings.
Also, I don’t understand how @Adriano_Jose solved this problem, where he found long strings in the submit_galley_settings table.
I already upgraded the database to postgres9 and the upgrade is still running “” routines. Shouldn’t I skip this routine and go straight to “”?
Thank you
ojsdatabase=# ALTER TABLE author_settings ALTER COLUMN setting_type DROP NOT NULL;
ojsdatabase=# ALTER TABLE journal_settings ALTER COLUMN setting_type DROP NOT NULL;
ojsdatabase=# SELECT setting_value FROM submission_settings WHERE setting_name=‘pub-id::publisher-id’ AND LENGTH(setting_value) >= 64;
(0 rows)
ojs-3.2.0-3/tools# php upgrade.php check
Code version:
Database version:
Latest version:
Database version is older than code version
Run “upgrade.php upgrade” to update
ojs-3.2.0-3/tools# php upgrade.php upgrade
[data: dbscripts/xml/upgrade/3.2.0_url_path.xml]
ERROR: Upgrade failed: DB: ERROR: value too long for type character varying(64)
Look at this:
SELECT * FROM submission_galley_settings WHERE setting_name=‘pub-id::publisher-id’ AND LENGTH(setting_value) >= 64;
galley_id | locale | setting_name | setting_value | setting_type
(0 rows)
PHP Warning: pg_query(): Query failed: ERROR: value too long for type character varying(64) in /usr/local/www/data/ojs-3.2.0-3/lib/pkp/lib/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/drivers/ on line 259
PKP-Database-Logger 1588873784.19: -1: ERROR: value too long for type character varying(64)
ADOConnection._Execute(UPDATE issues as i SET url_path = (SELECT ist…, false)% line 1246, file: /usr/local/www/data/ojs-3.2.0-3/lib/pkp/lib/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/
ADOConnection.Execute( UPDATE issues as i SET url_path = ( SELECT ist…)% line 442, file: /usr/local/www/data/ojs-3.2.0-3/lib/pkp/classes/install/
Installer.executeSQL( UPDATE issues as i SET url_path = ( SELECT ist…)% line 437, file: /usr/local/www/data/ojs-3.2.0-3/lib/pkp/classes/install/
Installer.executeSQL(Array[4])% line 395, file: /usr/local/www/data/ojs-3.2.0-3/lib/pkp/classes/install/
Installer.executeAction(Array[3])% line 263, file: /usr/local/www/data/ojs-3.2.0-3/lib/pkp/classes/install/
ERROR: Upgrade failed: DB: ERROR: value too long for type character varying(64)
PKP-Database-Logger 1588873784.19: -----
(postgres8): UPDATE sessions
user_id = ?,
ip_address = ?,
user_agent = ?,
created = ?,
last_used = ?,
remember = ?,
data = ?,
domain = ?
WHERE session_id = ?
[ (0=>null) (1=>’’) (2=>’’) (3=>‘1588873784’) (4=>‘1588873784’) (5=>‘0’) (6=>’’) (7=>’’) (8=>‘e95ba4e16c7e56cc86959efccd39cb56’) ]
I think the problem you’re encountering is an issue ID that’s too long for the database. The queries above are a similar problem, but for articles instead of issues. Try this query in your old (pre-upgrade) database:
SELECT * FROM issue_settings WHERE setting_name='pub-id::publisher-id' AND LENGTH(setting_value) >= 64;
If you’re able to find and shorten the offending entry, then re-run the upgrade process successfully, that may resolve the next problem you’re encountering.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Ah, I think you’ve cracked the issue you were having originally, then – could you post the new question on a new topic? That’ll help keep the forum organized. I’ll watch for the new topic and follow up there.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Not yet resolved!!!
A least using PostgreSQL, this problem persist in version, inclusive all of the articles names and authors or contributors gone. Making upgrade under we have all of articles published, but without names of contributors. Its possible insert the contributors “one-to-one” editing a new version of papper.