I am upgrading from PKP 2.4 to 3.1.2
I followed the full package procedure.
When I access the website, I get the following screen:
DB Error: Unknown column ‘journal_id’ in ‘on clause’
Did the upgrade complete successfully? What upgrade process did you follow? Are you now using the OJS 3.1.2 code to access your site?
Hi @jnugent,
The upgrade didn’t complete successfully. I followed the full packaged upgrade process. I download and decompress the package from the OJS web site into an empty directory and started to the follow the upgrade steps. I’m now using the OJS 2.4 code to access my site but I still get the same error.
If the upgrade did not complete, then you’re stuck between two versions and you will need to restore your database from a backup, determine the error, and try again. you cannot use your 2.4 version at this point.
I’m going to restore my old OJS site (database + files) then I will start over. If I restored them , would the old site be working properly?
If you restore your database and your files directory and use your old OJS 2.4 code then yes, things should work normally.
Hi @jnugent!
I restored my ojs 2.x and tried to upgrade from 2x to 3x. I followed all the steps in the upgrade instructions ( download full package) but i got the error message as attached below
your help is highly appreciated
It looks like you’re getting errors when you run the upgrade. I’d suggest running it from the command line, rather than the web client, or else looking in your Apache error logs after you attempt the upgrade and see what the PHP Fatal Errors are. If you are missing the navigation menu tables, then some of the lib-pkp core schema code isn’t running, and that’s quite early on in the process.