We are using OJS ojs-3.1.2-4 and sword-v1_0_4-1.tar.gz. After installing SWORD and enabling it, but when we clicked on its link under Tools - > Import/Export we got this DB error as seen below with stacktrace enabled.
I have accidentally found the combination that works. So I first need to upgrade the plugin to this version sword-v1_0_5-0.tar.gz then enabled the plugin as in screenshot below then replace this version of sword-v1_0_5-0.tar.gz with the compatible version sword-v1.0.2-0.tar.gz for our OJS version And all of these must be done in the back end on command line terminal and not the front end (accepting enabling the plugin must be done via admin interface / browser).
When you enable the plugin as in screenshot - I believe this is when the table will get created in the database which solves the error of " DB Error: Table ‘ojs.deposit_points’ doesn’t exist ".