Data entry is disabled in the mirrored version (OJS 3.4.0-6)

We have set up our journal, The Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Human Sciences, on the server at We are now mirroring this journal to a new domain, using the journal’s abbreviation, and making it accessible to users at

However, when users access the site through the new yzib link, they are able to register, but when they attempt to make a new submission, they cannot enter the title. This issue does not occur when accessing through the ojs link.

A screenshot is provided below. Could you help us with this issue?

Hi @Recep_BENZER,

Check your browser’s javascript error console on the malfunctioning page; I suspect you’ll see an error message there.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

there is no any differences

I especially gave original and directed sites. If you don’t mind, you can see it if you try to upload an article. The site we refer to is Thanks

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