We have updated our journal to We are using the default theme. The width of the main area is 992 px max. We think it is too narrow. I tried to change it from the build.css but nothing happens. Could you please tell me why and how can I change the width of app__page class? I also added !important with no luck.
I’m not PKP related (community member) but I feel like pkp staff didn’t answer you becouse your question is not OJS related (it’s about web developing, css, html…) and implies you are not a web develper (ojs html/css code is self explainatory).
I don’t have theme structure in my head but you can add a custom css in your journal that will be loaded after theme styles (will overwrite any former rule).
Thanks for your response. I would not call myself a developer, but I have a good knowledge of css and html. For sure, I am new to OJS, but I uploaded custom css in the journal and I can see that it loads in the head. I even give !important, but still no luck.
I don’t want to develop a theme because we just need a small tweak in the default theme.