We keep getting emails with similar subjects “Usage statistics file loader task - 58fd257f09463 - Error” twice daily since the installation of OJS 3.0.2. Its really beginning to spam our inbox. Is there a way to turn the emails off? Please help!
Hi @revsanda,
What error does the message specify?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
The mails content is:
Your Open Journal Systems installation automatically executed and finished this task and you can download the log file here: http://ijavs.org/ijavs/index.php/index/admin/downloadScheduledTaskLogFile?file=Usagestatisticsfileloadertask-5901219f07065-20170426.log.
And it comes in daily some seconds after midnight. Just got another now. Only the task number changes.
Hi @revsanda,
Do you see errors in the referenced log file?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
[2017-04-26 23:39:27] [Notice] Task process started.
[2017-04-26 23:39:27] [Warning] Usage statistics plugin is disabled. No log files processed.
[2017-04-26 23:39:27] [Notice] Task process stopped.
Hi @revsanda,
Is there a reason you’ve got your usage statistics plugin disabled? I believe the emails are being sent because the statistics loader is attempting to load the logs, but the statistics plugin is not recording them because it’s disabled. You’ll probably want to be recording statistics.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Ok. Thanks. I have enabled it now. Cant really remember disabling it. I will watch it for a 24 hour period and see. I appreciate. Alec, you are a blessing.
I activated the usage statistics plugin (wonder how it got turned off in
the first place). Anyways, its now over 30 hours, we didn’t get those
emails again. I guess I could say CASE CLOSED. Thanks a ton!