Customizing bootstrap 3

we are preparing our relaunch with ojs3 and really like the appearance of bootstrap 3. But for me as someone with little knowledge of all this code and css stuff, I wonder if there is some overview or introduction in where to change what?
Or more precise: I want to change the relation between the body and the sidebar (the sidebar looks a bit is to wide and I want to make it smaller) but can’t find the right spot in the templates, less…

Sorry for this naïve questions

Hi @adm_sub,

You’ll find general information about theming in the PKP Theming Guide.

To change the column sizes in the Bootstrap theme, you’ll want to look at the templates/frontend/components/header.tpl:

And the templates/frontend/components/footer.tpl:

Hi Nate
Thanks! This helps a lot.


Hello NateWr!
And where is pkp_structure_content defined?
(OJS 3, bootstrap3 child theme).

Hi @Spaik,

Can you open a new forum post and explain your question in more detail? Feel free to tag me (@NateWr) to make sure I see it.