dear guys, I have another customization task in OJS which I can’t find, I need to modify the text (only text) for the drop-down menu for step 6 of the review process. but I can’t seem to find the path for the review. (as shown in the screenshots).
can you help me find this? (I saw the options in the inspector, but i cant find the location in the server as shown in the last screenshot).
thank you in advance
Jeffrey Sebastian

Hi @jkings16,
I think I already answered this question for you in this other thread.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Dear Alec, once again thank you for your assistance.
unfortunately the path ( classes/submission/reviewAssignment/ ) does not lead me to the place where I need to change the labels for these options in the drop-down menu. as shown in the screenshot, the labels I need to rename are the “Accpet sumission, Revision Required, Resubmit for review, resubmit elsewhere, Decline and see commments”.
I tried finding them in the locale (same as the editor one you helped me find on the previous question, but I couldn’t find it.
so is there an specific path for this?
thank you again in advance…
best regards
Dear Alec:
after deeper investigation, I realized I missed on a very important step, and that didn’t allow me to find what I needed to find. You were completely right !! we were able to finish this task…
I appreciate your help you truly come forward to help us all, when I got hired for this job i had no training, or anything else. Because of your help I am able to perform my job, not only the specific questions i submit but I also see how you helped others and I use those solutions too…
keep up the great job.
Jeffrey Sebastian
Hi @jkings16,
Glad to hear you got it going!
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team