CustomHeader Plugin not showing OJS 3.4.0-7

Describe the issue or problem
These is the data:

  • OJS 3.4.0-7.
  • customHeader plugin version
  • PHP version 8.2.23

In the Plugin Gallery tab the plugin appears as updated

This is the problem:

  • In the Installed Plugins tab, the CustomHeader Option does not appear so I cannot access the settings
  • No error is seen in the browser’s developer console, nor in the server log, even with in debug= On mode

Any idea of what might be causing the problem?

I have not seen this problem, but had similar discrepancies in the past. I try then to run php tools/upgrade.php check and php tools/upgrade.php upgrade - this applies potentially missing migrations to the database. But MAKE A BACKUP BEFORE - in rare cases this can mess up your database.

Hi all,

I think this is the same issue being discussed in Github.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

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