I have two OJS 2.4.3 sites with no Custom Report data. I had found a thread that stated if you have an issue with Custom Report not working that it could be URL related. I edited all of the log files in usageEventLogs filder and moved them to the Stage folder…
I did a query of the database and that came back with zero records. There is nothing in the archive, processing, or reject folders.
I now have all of the corrected log files in the stage folder and the acron plugin is enabled and I did a reload scheduled tasks last Friday.
Only the log file for today is in the usageEventLogs folder.
I would really like to get this issue resolved.
Hi @EdwardDavid,
I passed this along to the developer who works most closely with the stats code, and he said…
Check if you have scheduled_tasks_report_error_only = Off in your config.inc.php file, and wait for emails in your site admin email account related to the scheduled tasks execution, we might have some clues about what’s happening. Also check the file permissions, it seems that the task cannot move your files. The user that’s running php should be able to move the log files.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
OJS_2.4.3 does not have scheduled_tasks_report_error_log in the config.inc.php file.
I am running the php file as root so there should not be a permissions issue.
Hi @EdwardDavid,
From the developer:
And you have no messages related to the task execution in your site admin email? It should, at least telling that the task was executed. Are you sure Acron Plugin is enabled? Can you do this query: SELECT * FROM plugin_settings WHERE setting_name = ‘crontab’ and paste the result?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
I have verified that the Acron Plugin is enabled.
here is the result of the query:-
As for the email, I have not been able to find any. So not sure if someone deleted it or it was never created.
Hi @asmecher,
As a followup to my previous email regarding the site admin emails. I went in and found the emails for email of Principal Contact in Site Settings was set to someone that no longer works here.
I then went into the admin profile to see what email that has and it has an email for a past journal manager which does not make any sense.
I am assuming that the email of Principal Contact should probably be me or an email that I can access. as for the admin email that can go to our ojshelp email account I am assuming.
Just wanted to verify this with you before I go in and start changing them.
Hi @EdwardDavid,
The cron tab is fine, let’s check the last time that usage stats loader task was executed. Please, execute this query: SELECT last_run FROM scheduled_tasks WHERE class_name = ‘plugins.generic.usageStats.UsageStatsLoader’; If you have something between the day before yesterday and today then the task is running ok. Try to check the last run time and check your site admin email. You should have something there if the last run time is
updated. Also, did you applied the ojs 2.4.3 recommended patches already? I see a couple of bugs there that might break the stats processing in some edge cases.
The email address that’s used to communicate tasks execution logs is the one defined in the site settings page (index/admin/settings). You can define any email there, as long as you have access to it.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
The query gave me this:- 2015-03-31 01:44:39.
I just applied the recommended patches and will apply them to all of the OJS_2.4.3.journals.
I changed the site email to my email address so in future I will get the emails.
How do I get the modified log files from stage to usageEventLogs folder?
Is there a procedure to run?
Thanks for your help Alec.
Alec how do I get an email notification every time someone replays to one of my questions?
Hi @EdwardDavid,
From the developer:
You don’t need to move the log files. As long as they are in stage or usageEventLogs folder, you will get them processed. If you really want to move them, just do a normal copy, making sure that the permissions are ok.
As for email notifications, we’ve just recently moved to this forum software and are still learning the ins and outs, but you should see a “Tracking” area at the bottom of the thread that indicates how/whether you get notifications. If that’s set up to track the thread, but you aren’t receiving emails, check your spam folder.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
HI @asmecher,
Just curious how long does it usually take to process the log files if I have modified them?
Hi @EdwardDavid,
The log file batch process should run daily. The length of time will depend heavily on how large the log files are; it could take a few minutes to hours if you’re running a long retroactive process.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
The server that was the first one I was working on last week. I had applied all the patches to and ran the log php program to reprocess the logs.I am still not getting any data in the custom report generator for “Article abstract page views”.
So not to sure what is happening there.
I checked each of the folders and there is a lot of files in archive folder.
There is one file in processing folder usage_event_201412249.log.
Nothing in reject folder.
A number of files in the stage folder.
There is one file in the usageEventLogs folder usage_events_20150402.log.
So does that mean the files are still being processed a week later and have not finished.
I am still not getting any emails from this system.
The client would really like to generate custom reports.
Hi @EdwardDavid,
Edward, now it seems you have files in the archive folder right? The way I understood your last messages that wasn’t happening, so this is good thing, the stats processing is working.
The next thing to understand is why you have to modify your files. This shouldn’t be necessary unless you have access via multiple domains, then you would need to normalize all of them to what is in your config.inc.php file, at the base_url setting.
In normal cases, you just need to make sure that the said base_url setting corresponds to what you have in your url while accessing the system. Without this you would have the logs being processed but no data.
Also do you have any emails related to the tasks execution now? The time that it takes to process each file is logged there, you can see it by yourself. The time depends on the machine that’s running your server, but it’s generally quick, even for high traffic sites. It only gets more time if you have too many files to be processed, but the loader will run until it process it all.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
I have a number of journal sites that have multiple domain names pointing to them.
Currently I am in the process of removing one domain from a number of my journal sites I think about 30 sites.
I also have a number of sites not sure how many as I am still documenting this but a number of sites that will have two domains pointing to it.
How will this work with showing the stats?
Will I have to go into the log files and make sure that the base_url is used or can I have more that one domain per site and the stats will still show correctly?
Hi @asmecher,
Still not getting any emails in regards to the reprocessing of log files.
Hi Edward,
Related to your question about multiple domains, currently the stats only uses the base_url to process the stats log files. So you should do what you are doing, replacing all the other domains by the one that’s used in your base_url. We are planning to implement another way to work this out, but currently you have to change it by yourself. Make sure that you replace everything correctly, otherwise the stats processing will not be able to get the stats data. The base url in the log files must be exactly the same compared to the base_url setting in config.inc.php.
Related to the emails, are you sure the site administrator email is correctly configured in the site settings page? Also, are you receiving any other emails related to any other task execution? The reports are showing any data now?
I just went in to check my one journal to see about the stats.
I have 310 log files in archive folder.
In the processing folder there is nothing.
In the processing folder there is nothing.
In the stage folder there is nothing.
In the usageEventLogs folder there is one file “usage_events_20150409.log”.
I ran the Subscription report and it has no data.
Articles Report has data.
Timed Views Report has no data.
View Report has data.
Review Report has data.
Counter Report does nothing.
OJS usage statistics report has no data.
Generate Custom Report:-
I checked Article file downloads for the last year and no data.
Article abstract page views for the last year and no data.
Issue file downloads for the last year and no data.
Issue table of contents page view for the last year and no data.
Journal main page views for the last year and no data.
As for the emails I am not receiving anything at all.
The Site Administrator email under Site Settings is set to my email address
The user admin profile email address is set to our ojshelp email address.
No emails to date.
This particular journal is using OJS_2.4.3.0.
Edward, and what about the base urls? Did you check them?
Yes the base_url is correct.
In the config.inc.php - base_url = “http://cjpe.journalhosting.ucalgary.ca”
In the log files I have:- - - “2015-04-09 01:43:34” http://cjpe.journalhosting.ucalgary.ca/cjpe/index.php/cjpe/article/download/82/pdf 200 “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.8; rv:36.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/36.0”
As examples.
Part of the issue is that cjpe.synergiesprairies.ca also point to this journal. So I have to edit the log files and change all occurances of “synergiesprairies.ca” to “journalhosting.ucalgary.ca”.
I am assuming all I need to do is changed the files in archives and they will be reprocessed?
Edward, the base_url is not correct, I think.
It should be the url that gives access to the system. And this is http://cjpe.journalhosting.ucalgary.ca/cjpe
Try setting this and reprocessing the files again. Just move them to stage and they should be processed next time.