Custom header plugin disappeared after update to 3.4.0-6

as per the title, the custom header plugin disappeared after updating to 3.4.0-6

if I look for it among the installed plugins it isn’t there, if I look for it among those to install/update it is there, I click on can be upgrade, but it says it’s already updated and nothing happens.
Screenshot 2024-09-03 alle 17.07.28

how is this possible?
it is quite important since the code for the cookie management pop up resides there

I solved the problem by copying the plugin from the previous version that I had as a backup. in fact the aforementioned plugin was not present in the plugins/generic folder
However, this happens with each update with different plugins. but why?

Hi @simgiallorosso,

The OJS package comes with some plugins (like Citation Style Language, for example) and when you install the new version of the code they’ll be updated accordingly. For other plugins – that you’ve installed manually, or through the plugin gallery – the upgrade process won’t include them and you’ll have to install the latest compatible versions yourself.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Please guide me on how you copied it if you could. And how you installed it in the new update. Although my problem is a little different from the custom header, but it has to do with another plugin when I try to update to

hi I simply copied and pasted the plugins folder into the new installation folder.
either you download the plugins from git hub and move them manually to the plugins folder or you take the latest backup of the immediately previous version and move it in the same way