I activated the custom block plugin but the edit/manage plugin option is not available. I can only see delete and upgrade. I am currently hosting four journals and this option is available in all of them but the main host. Thanks
Hi @marshallaw1
Hmmmm… Are you using OJS 2.4.x? If so: when you enable the Custom Block Manager and as Journal Manager go to the System Plugins > Generic Plugins, do you see “Settings” for the Custom Block Manager item?
Thanks. I use ojs 3.0.1.
I activated the custom block and static page from the settings but yet none can be seen on the main site but they are activeon the individual journal pages.
Hi @marshallaw1,
Yes, I think, this is correct so – both are journal level plugins i.e. available for a journal and not the (main) site.
Can anything be done to have a custom block on the main site?
Yes, this has been implemented already for release in OJS 3.0.2. See Add Sidebar Management to site settings for multi-journal installs · Issue #1859 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub for details. Unless you’re fairly handy with git, I’d suggest waiting for the 3.0.2 release and upgrading then.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks alot. I will wait.
Hi @asmecher,
I installed OJS 3.0.2 and still I only have ‘delete’ and ‘update’ on the site level, both for the custom block and the static pages plugin.
If I change the context_id in static_pages to 0, I can access the static pages with /index.php/index/[name]. For the custom blocks, this didn’t help.
Hi @carola,
Thanks for reporting this. I’ve fixed some issues with the custom block manager plugin and the site-wide sidebar. These changes are under review and you can follow the development progress here: