Hello. I hope you can help me because no idea what to do.
I installed OJS 3.1.2-2, it is an installation not update.
Before installing it on the server I did a couple of tests on localhost and everything was perfect, without any problem.
But I uploaded the OJS folder (it is not a backup of the ones I have made local, it is clean) I have problems with the CSS. Already in the installation process no CSS appeared to me, a black screen with black letters. I installed it in case I could do something internally, but nothing.
In the browser console appears this error: [URL]/namejournal/$$$call$$/page/page/css?name=stylesheet net::ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR 200
I have checked the file since the browser and it doesn’t appear empty.
What could be happening? Could you help me?
It looks like the file cannot be accessed by the protocol specified.
Does this problem appear only in one browser?
Does turning off enable_cdn in config file solves the problem?
Are there any relevant errors in PHP logs or something suspicious in server access logs?
Thanks for your answer.
I have tried other browsers: Chrome, Opera, Edge and Firefox, and the problem continues.
I tried turning off enable_cdn, but it didn’t solve the problem.
I have made progress with my problem.
If I into the address https://domain.com, it doesn’t load the CSS and it shows the error HTTP2_PROTOCOL… . But if I into the address https://www.domain.com, it works perfectly.
Does anyone know the reason for this and how can I fix it?
Hmm, I would, 1) check if redirection is properly configured, 2) SSL certificates are OK (if you are using certbot it should be managed automatically for both domains, 3) check if force_ssl is enabled in config.inc.php, 4) check if DNS records for domain.com and www.domain.com are OK.
I’ve never encountered such an error before, so not sure…