Crossref Plugin: issue DOIs can't be set "marked active"

Hi, we switched from datacite to crossref for DOIs some time ago.
Now, some journals in our OJS 3.3.0-13 have some old issues and articles with datacite DOIs, but while articles can be set as “marked active” in the crossref plugin settings, issues can’t because not considered at all by the plugin.
The result is that old issue datacite DOIs are sent to crossref with every new DOI registration, resulting in errors.
How is possible to prevent sending old issue datacite DOIs to crossref?
Best regards

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Hi, any hint for this problem?
We still have journals assigning DOIs to issues, and the crossref plugin always tries to register old datacite DOIs without success…
@bozana can you help?
Best regards

Hi @bolelligallevi,

Oh, this is an interesting case!
Crossref plugin just looks if the issue has a DOI and if it has it will be exported – it does not look where the issue DOI was registered or similar.
In general I would suppose that when switching to another DOI registration agency the journal would start with a new issue and/or articles, and the old, already registered with another registration agency, will not be touched/used any more.
Thus, in order to find ‘the best’ way how to solve the problem now, could you please explain a few more things:
It seems you still add articles to the ‘old’ issues (that are already registered with DataCite), correct? Or, how do you manage issues and articles, so that it comes to such cases? Is it only temporary (e.g. for just a few articles) or of longer term (e.g. because the way you publish is so)?
Do you now assign Crossref DOIs for issues, or do you plan to do it in the future?

I will double check with Crossref what is the right way to provide issue data in such a case (when issue has a different DOI).
And it seems we would need to consider those rare cases in the pugin code when exporting the issue data.


Thanks a lot

Hi @bozana, thanks for your your answer and sorry for late in mine.
We do not add articles to datacite issues in general, we just have almost two journals that in one case needed to add an introduction to an already published issue, in an other had a datacite issue with some datacite articles to complete in the moment that we switched to crossref.
In other words, currently all our journals use only crossref for both issues and articles.
I hope that there is a right way to provide issue data in such a case (when issue has a different DOI): if you need an exaple to submit to crossref, you can give this crossref article DOI 10.54103/2724-3346/18911 published in an issue with this datacite DOI 10.13130/2724-3346/2020/2
Waiting for the plugin managing of those rare cases, do you think that marking the crossref articles DOIs linked to datacite issue DOIs after the first registration would solve the problem that the plugin daily tries to register datacite issue DOIs to crossref?
We think that this can damage the scheduled task (Crossref warning).
Best regards