Crossref Manager Plugin in OJS issue

After setting up the plugin, failed jobs appears, when I try to automatically assign and deposit DOI.

DOI is automatically created in publishing stage, but metadata not submitted to crossref automatically. If I hit deposit it says manually submitted and failed job appears.

The detail of that failed job starts like this:

View Failed Job:31 Details
Attribute Attribute Value
Job PKP\jobs\doi\DepositSubmission
Queue queue
Connection database
Failed At 2024-02-06 18:49:58 UTC 0
“uuid”: “9b422045-cc19-4824-88a0-669de07780d9”,
“displayName”: “PKP\jobs\metadata\MetadataChangedJob”,
“job”: “Illuminate\Queue\CallQueuedHandler@call”,
“maxTries”: 3,
“maxExceptions”: 3,
“failOnTimeout”: true,
“backoff”: “5”,
“timeout”: 60,
“retryUntil”: null,
“data”: {
“commandName”: “PKP\jobs\metadata\MetadataChangedJob”,
“command”: “O:36:"PKP\jobs\metadata\MetadataChangedJob":3:{s:15:"\u0000*\u0000submissionId";i:5;s:10:"connection";s:8:"database";s:5:"queue";s:5:"queue";}”
“message”: “Call to a member function getSubmissionFilter() on null”,
“code”: 0,
“file”: “/home/html/”,
“line”: 294,
“trace”: [
“file”: “/home/html/”,
“line”: 63,
“function”: “depositSubmissions”,
“class”: “APP\plugins\generic\crossref\CrossrefPlugin”,
“type”: “->”,
“args”: [


Also I tried to get some errors… But looks like it does not matter what login information I include, it throws no authentication errors as well. But the login information I put into DOI Setup seem in correct format and checked by crossref support team that I put the right login information


I have resrfull_urls and this configuration:

OS platform Linux
PHP version 8.1.27
Apache version Apache
Database driver mysql
Database server version 10.5.23-MariaDB-1:10.5.23+maria

Any ideas what shall I try differently?

Still no solution. I hope someone will help or… better than that devs of this plugin come with a plugin that reports errors and checks connection, user credentials, file system and can do a sandbox DOI submission one one click (now it just says all is OK). I switched to which is great but… suboptimal copy-pasting iterim solution for this… :-/

A post was split to a new topic: Crossref deposit SSL error

2 posts were split to a new topic: Crossref Manager plugin failed job with FundingPlugin

Hi @Marek_Vokoun, thanks for sharing the issue details.

It looks like something is going wrong when the Crossref manager plugin tries to instantiate the export plugin, see:

Are you able to export the Crossref XML successfully or does that fail as well? And have you had this issue with all items or only some?


PKP Team

I couldn’t find the working directory for that. So no XML is probably generated.

Where does the plugin stores the XMLs?

Yeah… It was one of my thoughts as well… My problem is probably linked to the the Server Path variable - it looks like the server I am on have probably special settings and the script is using directory that doesn’t exist or there are no write rights… Idk.

Is there a plugin/temp directory I can check, create manually set to 776? The problem is that the Crossref plugin is “you’re all green, all is working” however, it’s doing absolutely nothing :)) So it’s hard to dismantle the problem and ask for help here.

All the other things in my installation are working flawlessly… so it’s probably a small thing developers didn’t think of.

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Hello @Marek_Vokoun, were you successful in configuring the plugin? I’m going through exactly the same problem as yours.

Hello @Thiago_Veiga …unfortunately not yet…well devs probably do not care or make sure non-empty files exist before they execute insert codes… So there is nothing I can do or configure better, I do not know what shall I configure, I am using pretty standard webhosting and all the other plugins like citation counts works… I could try to find the error and add missing issset, !empty and file_exists double-checks in the plugin’s PHP code and go step-by-step on the critical rows and inside functions… but it would be a tedious work because I do not know the code…

Hi @Marek_Vokoun,

The XML export should be downloaded in by your browser when you export. Please see the screenshot below for the functionality I mean. Does this work for you?


PKP Team

Yes, it generates XML file and it can be downloaded.


I try to run this command in terminal, in the ojs root (www). i’ts work for me.

php lib/pkp/tools/jobs.php work

the result after sumbit deposite

[2024-11-08 08:34:23][2391] Processing: APP\jobs\doi\DepositIssue
[2024-11-08 08:34:50][2391] Processed: APP\jobs\doi\DepositIssue
[2024-11-08 08:36:20][2393] Processing: PKP\jobs\doi\DepositSubmission
[2024-11-08 08:36:44][2393] Processed: PKP\jobs\doi\DepositSubmission

mybe someone can explain, why it’s work?