Hello, all,
I started using Crossref export plugin and noticed that the resulting XML depends on the current UI locale.
Example. My setup:
OJS 3.1.2
Default journal locale uk_UA,
active locales uk_UA, en_US, ru_RU,
submission locale ru_RU.
Go to Tools->Import/Export->Crossref XML Export plugin.
Set UI locale to uk_UA, select an article and click Dowload XML
Examine the result.
Journal title - in uk_UA (defaul journal locale)
Article title and abstract - in ru_RU (submission locale)
Author names - in uk_UA (current locale)
Switch to English UI, have the same but Author names - in en_US (current locale)
Looks strange.
P.S. And anyway isn’t it better to submit to Crossref all data in en_EN instead of Cyrillic (sorry for stupid question)?