When i try export show white screen, error:
Fatal error: Class ‘PubObjectCache’ not found in /plugins/importexport/crossref/classes/DOIExportPlugin.inc.php on line 54
How to fix it?
When i try export show white screen, error:
Fatal error: Class ‘PubObjectCache’ not found in /plugins/importexport/crossref/classes/DOIExportPlugin.inc.php on line 54
How to fix it?
Hi @Angelo_Rocha,
I presume you’re asking about OJS. What version are you using? Did you upgrade it recently, and if so, what was its version before and what method did you use?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hello. Is a new instalation.
Version 2.4.6.
Sorry for the delay.
Hi @Angelo_Rocha,
Can you confirm that plugins/importexport/crossref/classes/PubObjectCache.inc.php
contains the definition for the PubObjectCache
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
This file is empty, what do i do ?
Hi @Angelo_Rocha,
Download the OJS 2.4.6 package and get a copy of the file from there.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I downloaded the file but also in the package is empty.
Because this file is coming empty by default?
Can i use this class: http://pkp.sfu.ca/ojs/doxygen/stable/html/PubObjectCache_8inc_8php_source.html
Hi @Angelo_Rocha,
Hmm, that file is definitely in the archive – what are you using to unpack it? What operating system are you working with?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I’m using 7zip and Windows 7.
Hi @Angelo_Rocha,
This appears to be the problem: http://superuser.com/questions/413450/7-zip-archive-with-hard-links
I’d suggest using a different piece of software to extract the archive.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks @asmecher
Works fine.
Hi Angelo,
how did you eventually solve the problem? I just installed a fresh copy of OJS 2.4.8-1 by unpacking the tar.gz on my windows machine and uploaded everything on the server. The first error I got was in the upgrade.php script, regarding Medra and Datacite plugins. When I deleted these two, the upgrade.php completed succesfully, but now the Crossref plugin returns a 500 error, when I try to use the “Manage DOIs” link in the crossref plugin.
I’m getting this error: “Class ‘PubObjectCache’ not found in /var/www/html/ojs/plugins/importexport/crossref/classes/DOIExportPlugin.inc.php on line 54, referer: http://www.ias-iss.org/ojs/IAS/manager/importexport/plugin/CrossRefExportPlugin”
I’ve checked the PubObjectCache.inc.php and it’s not empty, the class ‘PubObjectCache’ is defined in there. I read about the problem with symbolic links, so I also uploaded a ojs-2.4.8-1.tar.gz archive on the server and used tar to unpack it in a separate directory and I copied just the /plugins/importexport directory in the ojs directory. Still no luck. Are there any symbolic links also in the lib/pkp/ directory that could be broken because of the extraction in windows?
Ales Kladnik
Somehow the Crossref plugin works now (in OJS 2.4.8-1).
I extracted the OJS full archive using tar and uploaded just the plugins directory to the server. I checked and in the tar extracted archive there were no zero size files in the plugins directory (I did have them before, but I didn’t notice that). The first time I used 7zip, so as @asmecher Alec said this must have caused empty files.
But then no Import Export plugins worked, I got a 500 error already when choosing Import/Export Data in Journal Management. Going to the logs, it was supposed to be an error in Medra plugin. Deleted Medra, and plugins worked, including Datacite. But not Crossref, when I clicked on Manage DOIs. I deleted Datacite also and then cleared the cache (Data cache and Template cache). I’m not sure 100%, but it think the Crossref didn’t work immediately after clearing the cache, but then suddenly started to work, so I get the DOI management interface in the Crossref plugin.
I’m really relived that it works now, but I still don’t know what is the reason that is not working alongside with Medra and Datacite. Fortunately I don’t need them, so the fix is fine. Maybe it’s worth to mention here, that I had to delete these two already when running database upgrade script (php tools/upgrade.php upgrade)