we received an announcement from Crossref asking us to change the DOI link from http://dx.doi.org/XXX/XXX to https://doi.org/XXX/XXX before March 2007.
Is there an upgrade for OJS DOI plugin to solve this question?
Thank you,
Enzo Cappelluti
we received an announcement from Crossref asking us to change the DOI link from http://dx.doi.org/XXX/XXX to https://doi.org/XXX/XXX before March 2007.
Is there an upgrade for OJS DOI plugin to solve this question?
Thank you,
Enzo Cappelluti
That would be 2017, I presume, not 2007?
Yes, 2017. My mistake.
Hi @Enzo,
Thanks – yes, we’ll have something in place before the deadline.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Could you tell us the approximate date when you will release the solution for this problem? We have two installations running on OJS and one installation running on OJS Will the update for the plugin work on these versions of OJS?
The deadline is getting near and we are a little bit worried.
Thank you very much for your help!
Hi @violeta,
That issue has already been resolved in our git repository for release with OJS 2.4.8-2 (or 2.4.9, whichever comes first). The issue is Update Crossref DOI display according to their new guidelines · Issue #1901 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub. We don’t plan to back-port it to older versions of OJS, so your best bet is to upgrade, but it may be possible to change the URLs on older releases without too much effort.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
Thank you very much for your quick answer and for your help!
Hi @asmecher,
I am waiting for the 2.4.9 version to adapt to the new CrossRef DOI link requirement. There was a plane (due date) for the 2.4.9 to get released in March 2017. however, checking right now there is no due date anymore. Do you have any info when we can expect the 2.4.9?
Regards, Primož
Hi @primozs
Do you use OJS 2.4.8-1? If so, you could eventually apply these patches to your installation:
I am aware of applying a patch, but it is not so urgent and we can wait for the release. I would just like to know about plans to have appropriate expectations.
Regards, Primož
@bozana, do you think the patch would work with OJS 2.4.8 instead of 2.4.8-1?
Hi @fgnievinski
Yes, that could be. Else, the changes are not big, so you could edit those files by yourself and add the change…