I have a doubt about the possibility of to put hyperlinks in edit boxes (ojs, as the information of user. An example in the image below, in highlighted region:
The outcome of view, it doesn’t interpret the html code hyperlink. According the journal´s editor, there was a way to put this before.
The Bio will have an HTML editor if the TinyMCE plugin is enabled and properly working. See:
User Home → Journal Manager → System Plugins → Generic Plugins → TinyMCE Plugin
At about 1:20, when you open up the inspector, click over to the “Console” tab to see if there are any javascript error messages. Also check the “Depuar” tab to see whether “tiny_mce_gzip.js” successfully loaded.
When I visit the AMBIÊNCIA registration page the TinyMCE box appears as expected. Compare your user profile HTML source and Network activity to this page. Whatever is causing the Syntax Error on the profile page is probably preventing the TinyMCE load.
But I think there is another problem which I don’t know if it has relation with this one…
In some pages, as Editorial Team, when I link an user and the system opens the bio him, hyperlinks keep without load.