We would like to add a custom checkbox to the metadata page of the submission process where author can check if their submission originated from a certain conference. I know I will need to alter the template and forms that control this information. I have some of the pages listed below. What other ones do I need to edit and do you have any additional instructions? I have customized other parts of OJS, but have never added a new question to the forms. We are using OJS
Hi @sheardln,
Would it be feasible to simply add this to the submission checklist on the first step? That can be done without any modifications.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Don’t they have to check each box? This would only need to be checked if it met a certain criteria. Also, would editors be able to see this?
Hi @sheardln,
Ah, I see. You’re right, it looks like you’ll have to proceed along the lines you were originally proposing. If you want to store additional data in the database relating to an article, you’ll also need to add the new field to classes/article/ArticleDAO.inc.php
– have a look at the getAdditionalFieldNames
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi there,
we need something similar in our Journal. We want the author to be able to choose among two possible editorial treatments (blind or open) for his/her article, at submission time. For the rest of the Editorial process that selection should be known (visible) by editors and reviewers, so a metadata field seems reasonable. Therefore a check-box, bullet-selection or any other available tool that we could easily include in the submission form would be great. Is there an available plugin to do so or we need to customize? any advice?