I’ve been reading many subjects on the forum but can’t find an explicit explanation for creating a new custom block in OCS.
As I understood, the CustompluginManager is not usefull anymore. am I correct ?
Could you give me tips for creating a simple text block in the sidebar ?
Thanks a lot
Hi @ruegama,
The Custom Block Manager plugin is what you’ll need to use, and it should already be included in your OCS installation.
- Go to User Home > Conference Manager > System Plugins > Generic Plugins
- Find the Custom Block Manager plugin; enable it if it’s not already enabled.
- Find Custom Block Manager plugin; click Settings
- Enter a name for your new block; click Save
- Click “System Plugins” in the breadcrumbs near the top of the page
- Click “Block Plugins”
- Find the name of the new custom block you just created; click Edit
- Enter the content you wish to present; click Save
- Go to User Home > Conference Manager > Website Management > 4. Conference Style
- Ensure that the custom block that you created is positioned as you want. Click Save.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hello Alec
Thank you very much for this crystal-clear explanation !!!
'Hope It will help other users as it helped me
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