I added a navigation label “archives” and I would like to add archived journals how to go about this.
Also how do you add a current issue?
Can you add other roles e.g Members of the Editorial Board.
Hi @Betty2,
OJS 2.4.8-2 should already have an “Archives” link, unless you’ve disabled the publication front-end entirely (there’s a setting for this). For information on how to get back-issues into OJS, see https://pkp.sfu.ca/wiki/index.php/Importing_and_Exporting_Data.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
Thanks for your response.
How do I enable the publication front-end? As I did not see the link when I installed OJS 2.4.8-2.
Also how can I add a current issue to a journal?
I would like to also ask if one can have other roles apart from those provided e.g section editor.
Hi @Betty2,
Have a look at Journal Setup section 4.1.
Please post your question about roles as a new topic, since it’s not related to this thread – that’ll help keep the forum organized.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team