I am trying to change the size of the cover in OJS 3.1, can someone please help
Hi @Ant_Pelosi
What do you want change exactly? It is possible upload a size with dimensions you want or replace a previous one with a new one. But you need edit image to match size you want.
Is that your question?
Israel Cefrin
Public Knowledge Project Team
Sorry for the vague question. Currently, in on the journal page, the Cover_issue image is displayed 200 pixels wide within the Dive heading which is 800px wide. I would like to scale the cover_image to the width of the page at 800px. There is no description text.
thank you for any help
Hi @Ant_Pelosi
In CSS you should modify (or add) this selector:
.obj_issue_toc .cover {
width: 100%;
.obj_issue_toc .cover img {
width: 100%;
But you will need adjust the image height, as you set width to 100% the height will grow in same proportion.
Israel Cefrin
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you so much for this.
I added
.obj_issue_toc .cover { width: 100%; height: 100%; } .obj_issue_toc .cover img { width: 100%; height: 100%; }
to main.less in plugins/themes/default/styles
However, it is not working!!! Where should I add this?
thanks again for your help
Kind regards
I just made a custom .css file and uploaded to settings/website> journal style sheet
thank you so much @israel.cefrin