Can others confirm this is an issue for them as well?
Describe the issue or problem
Under Statistics > Counter R5, all the reports that are not Customer ID “The World” cannot be downloaded. When you try any combination of report type, options, and customer ids that are not the world (1), you get an notification:
1030:Insufficient Information to Process Request(Missing customer_id.)
Steps I took leading up to the issue
If you check here: https://{domain}/{journal}/stats/counterR5/counterR5
For a given journal we should be able to download reports using the drop down selector.
This means the likely query result looks like this:
I believe we need the subscription_id tied to that journal and customer, right?
Our parallel db query for these items looks something like this:
ojs3_spring.institution_settings as sett
ojs3_spring.institutions as s ON sett.institution_id = s.institution_id
ojs3_spring.institutional_subscriptions as sub ON s.institution_id = sub.institution_id
ojs3_spring.subscriptions as j ON sub.subscription_id = j.subscription_id
ojs3_spring.journals as n ON j.journal_id = n.journal_id
sett.setting_value = 'Customer Name'
This gives us a list of the journal subsciptions by “customer_id” belonging to a given institution.
institution_id | Customer Name | subscription_id | journal_id | path
But we need the subscription_id instead from:
JOIN ojs3_spring.subscriptions as j ON sub.subscription_id = j.subscription_id
One side from the institutional subscriber’s table and another from the subscriptions table (their subscription_id)
The query we’d run then is
What application are you using?
OJS 3.3.0-5
Additional information
Please add any screenshots, logs or other information we can use to investigate this problem.
These actions produce no error messages for us in the web console or in the server’s error logs. The popup appears to be a form validator?