Could not open input file: tools/upgrade.php


trying to upgrade OJS from version to 3.4.0-3 and after running php tools/upgrade.php check command, I get this message

Could not open input file: tools/upgrade.php


What could be the issue here?


Hi @Vladislav_Mavrin,

Are you sure you are in the correct OJS folder? To make sure type ls in the command line, you should see the tools folder, cd into into it and you should see the upgrade.php file. Then run php upgrade.php check to see the output.

You can check OJS 3.4 systems requirements too, to see if your server meets them.

Best regards,

Thank for the reply @jnoronha

the folder was definitely the issue here. Got to the right folder, but seems to have a new problem

Dear @Vladislav_Mavrin,

Some changes happened in OJS 3.4, you should compare it with you OJS 3.3 installation to check what’s missing. I’d bet on your mail section config, your default mailer.

Best regards,

@jnoronha thank you for your reply. I found out that I do not have root access on my server, so now I will be moving to a different hosting and then will try to update again