Configuration Ithenticate - OJS

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What is the correct configuration for ithenticate, i followed the instruction of asmecher but i don’t know if is correct or not.

i share my configuration

; iThenticate Plugin Settings ;

; Enable iThenticate to submit manuscripts after submit step 4
ithenticate = On

First journey*

; Credentials can be set by context : specify journal path
; The username to access the API (usually an email address)

username[journey path] = “email”

; The password to access the API

password[journey path] = “password”

Second journey*

; Credentials can be set by context : specify journal path
; The username to access the API (usually an email address)

username[journey path] = “email”

; The password to access the API

password[journey path] = “password”

third journey*

; Credentials can be set by context : specify journal path
; The username to access the API (usually an email address)

username[journey path] = “email”

; The password to access the API

password[journey path] = “password”

************* Is this configuration necessary? ****

; default credentials
; The username to access the API (usually an email address)
;username = “email”

; The password to access the API
;password = “password”

Thanks for your help

This configuration will only work with the pre-release code for the plagiarism plugin. If you are using the released version of v1.0.5-1 from the Plugin Gallery, this version only supports a single site-wide username and password.

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For each journey what will be the configuration?
and this configuration is correct for one
; iThenticate Plugin Settings ;


; Enable iThenticate to submit manuscripts after submit step 4
ithenticate = On

; Credentials can be set by context : specify journal path
; The username to access the API (usually an email address)

username[] = “email”

; The password to access the API

password[] = “password”


; iThenticate Plugin Settings ;


; Enable iThenticate to submit manuscripts after submit step 4
ithenticate = On

; Credentials can be set by context : specify journal path
; The username to access the API (usually an email address)

username = “email”

; The password to access the API

password= “password”

If you are using either the current release of the plugin, or the pre-release of the plugin, this example will configure a single site-wide username and password for the plugin:

; iThenticate Plugin Settings ;


; Enable iThenticate to submit manuscripts after submit step 4
ithenticate = On

; Credentials can be set by context : specify journal path
; The username to access the API (usually an email address)

username = "email"

; The password to access the API

password= "password"

If you are using the pre-release version of the plugin directly from GitHub instead of from the plugin gallery, you may also configure a username and password per-journal. The “path” is only the journal’s path, not the full URL:

; iThenticate Plugin Settings ;


; Credentials can be set by context : specify journal path
; The username to access the API (usually an email address)

username[journey1] = "email"

; The password to access the API

password[journey1] = "password"


Just in case it’s an issue, watch out for “smart quotes”! I see quotes in your post that look like and . Those are different from " which should be used in the configuration file. Not sure if those are caused by copy and paste issues, but make sure your configuration file uses a normal " quote.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

i am using ithenticate from pluging gallery, i did the change from

; iThenticate Plugin Settings ;


; Enable iThenticate to submit manuscripts after submit step 4
ithenticate = On

; Credentials can be set by context : specify journal path
; The username to access the API (usually an email address)

username = "email"

; The password to access the API

password= "password"

but i cannot see the articles, what other thing i need to do?

thanks for your time and help

i understand asmecher, but this topic can help a lot of people with their configurations.
Please don’t delete the topic.

Thanks for your time and help :smiley:

Once the plugin is configured, submission file will be uploaded to iThenticate as part of Step 4 of the submission process:

  • The author logs in and makes a submission
    • The submission files will be sent to iThenticate in Step 4 of the submission process
  • The Editor logs in to to see the submission
    • The submission will be found in a folder named by the Submission ID, under a Group named by the journal/press/preprint context
    • Click to see the report
    • Example report review

In version 1.0.5-1 from the Plugin Gallery, if an error occurs in uploading the file to iThenticate, this error is logged in your PHP error log.

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For example before i uploaded manually the articles and i create a folder, this folder is a error for the plugin or i need create new folder, and how can i create a new folder?

this is my error
Could not create folder group for context Revista de F\xc3\xadsica on iThenticate.


The first time an author submits a file via Step 4, the plugin will create a new Group matching the Journal Name in iThenticate. Folders under the Group will be created, named by the submission id.

i understand.
this is my error
Could not create folder group for context Revista on iThenticate.

In the code for version 1.0.5-1, I’m not sure we can tell the difference between a failed login and a failed API call. That message is the first opportunity to log a failure after all of:

  1. Logging in to iThenticate.
  2. Querying the API for a list of Groups.
  3. Creating a Group which is not present.

In the updated code, we check on each of these actions and report specific errors for each.

So, this might be a username/password error, or might be a failure to create the folder (perhaps because of the escaped characters)?

It is possible that the login can fail via the API even if the correct username and password are provided, if the username and password have special characters. If PHP is configured to emit warnings, and if the login fails, you might see a warning on line 81 about finding a null value where an array was expected.

A quick test could be to change the username and password to one you know is wrong and to see if the errors and warnings change.

thanks for your answer, i will try to change my password because i have a special character $
Maybe @asmecher knows about this issue

these are my new logs
PHP Warning: array_search() expects parameter 2 to be array, bool given in /var/www/html/ojs-3.3.0-6/plugins/generic/plagiarism/ on line 81,

PHP Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/html/ojs-3.3.0-6/plugins/generic/plagiarism/vendor/bsobbe/ithenticate/Ithenticate.php on line 135,

Could not create folder group for context Revista on iThenticate

These logs seem to suggest that the login is failing.

If you did not see these errors with the correct username and password, but do see these errors with the incorrect username and password, then this suggests that the plugin was logging in successfully, but failing to use the API to create the new Group.

If you have technical skills (command line, composer, uploading a new plugin) you could package a pre-release version of the plugin to see if this fixes your problem (or gives you clearer error messages).

I’ll also check in with the PKP team as Pitt ULS has an interest in seeing an update to this plugin to release new functionality prior to the substantial re-write which is planned.

The user and password are correct.
Sorry ctgraham how can i get the pre-release version of the plugin?
and how can i upload to my system?
Thanks for you help, i really appreciate you

With technical experience, you could download the latest files from the GitHub pkp/plagiarism main branch, then run composer install to add the composer dependencies, then save the files as a .tgz file.

This .tgz file can be uploaded through the Plugin Gallery within OJS to update a plugin that is not published within the PKP Plugin Gallery.

If you are not familiar with these steps, however, I recommend waiting for the updated release to be available within the Plugin Gallery. I am coordinating with PKP on this and expect that we could see it released there in a few weeks.

A post was split to a new topic: iThenticate error message