Como puedo poner mas bloques

Como puedo crear mas bloques para OJS 3.0.2 como tenia en el anterior k era ojs
se que en el ojs 3.0.2 tengo estos 5 bloques pero quiero mas bloques habrá alguna pagina para descargar y subir o como podría hacerle ayudenme por favor…?

How can I create more blocks for OJS 3.0.2 as I had in the previous k was ojs
I know that in ojs 3.0.2 I have these 5 blocks but I want more blocks there will be some page to download and upload as I could do you help me please …?


You can use the “Custom Block Manager” plugin (included in OJS) to create additional blocks. We broke the sidebar up in various ways during the OJS 3.x redesign for generally good reasons – I wouldn’t recommend e.g. moving the search bar back to the sidebar, if that’s what you want to do.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team