We want show link to publication in references (citations) list of article’s page. This link is located in database in “citation_settings” table, value “nlm30:uri” of “setting_name” colomn. Also, it’s displayed in “references” tab of article’s editor form. But I can’t find function or method in OJS, which return this field. Can you help me, please?
You will find the RT settings as journal manager under reading tools > reading tool options. The templates are in OJS folder under templates/rt/, and the handler under pages/rt/.
I do not know what do you mean with Author’s Work item… :-\
Sorry, I’ve confused Reading tools with Related Items (another block). I took care with reading tools block themselves, but I can’t find same options and function for Related items block.
For example, I remove Windows Live Academy block in Reading tools item Finding Refenences, becouse it’s wasn’t working. Now I would like to delete some paragraph in Author’s Work item of Related Item. Where can I find template or functions of this item?
If you mean the text that appears at the beginning: the texts in general are in the locale XML files. This one is in locale/en_US/locale.xml and has the key = rt.context.authorTermsDescription.
The whole template is in the file templates/rt/context.tpl.
You can figure that out looking at the URL: in the URL you will find …/rt/context/… Those are the page name (= rt) and operation (= context). That would mean that you will find the page handler in the pages/rt/index.php, looking at the required op=context. That leads you to the RTHander.inc.php in the same folder pages/rt/. There you will find the function context, and there the template used (rt/context.tpl).
This is how all pages in OJS work…