I use OJS 3.2.01. We have published a new issue and I face the following problem.
Citation Style Language uses the online publication date although the article is included an issue. For example, the article was published as online-first in 2019. I included an issue for 2020 but it still uses 2019 (e.g., Arslan, G. (2019). gggggg).
How can I provide it use the issue date to cite?
Thank you in advance
Hi @Gokmen_ARSLAN,
That’s the intended behaviour. I’d recommend changing the article publication date (this can be done through the user interface) if you’d like it to be the same as the issue publication date.
Consider for example users that add submissions to an issue that’s already been published, e.g. as a way of supporting continuous publication models. It would be inaccurate for a new article to be back-dated to the time of publication of the issue.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team