Citation style language plugin problem

Hi @seisense and @astevens

I was having this problem too.

However, I think I found the solution.

The ris template only has one space in each of the tags, e.g.


Looking at the ris file format on wikipedia, a RIS tag is supposed to have “two letters, two spaces and a hyphen”. So something like

TY[space][space]- JOUR

I also looked at the ris files I got from other publishers and they also have 2 spaces in the tag.

I’ve changed the ris.tpl file in my installation and found that it is now exporting .ris files that work fine with Endnote.

I would also recommend changing line 20 of the ris.tpl from

AU - {$author->given} {$author->family}


AU - {$author->family}, {$author->given}

This will just ensure that Endnote gives people the correct family name because some people have more than one part to their family name.

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